Lovato LMS2520T replacement

What is the replacement for a Lovato LMS2520T motor protection circuit breaker?

The Lovato LMS25 series of motor protection circuit breakers is now obsolete and no longer available.  It has been replaced by the SM1P series of motor protectors and due to the changing AMP range offerings, there is not a direct replacement for the 11LMS2520T.  The existing unit had a range from 16 to 20 AMPS and the new style has either a 13A to 18A or 17A to 23A range choice.

In the image below you can see the adjustment dial for the LMS25 starter.  To determine which replacement you would need, look at the dial on the starter that you are replacing and determine where the black arrow is pointing to and choose the appropriate replacement as listed below:



SM1P1800 (adjustable from 13 to 18 AMPS)
Click below image to view
SM1P2300 (adjustable from 17 to 23 AMPS)
Click below image to view