3 pole Contactors

  • GE CL45A310ML contactor GE CL45A310ML front dimensions


    GE Industrial CL45A310ML 3 pole, 60 AMP contactor that is rated for 25 H.P. @ 460 volt 3-phase and has a 208v60Hz AC rated coil. This IEC rated contactor has a normally open auxiliary contact, screw terminals and mounts on standard 35MM din rail or can...

  • Schneider Electric LC1D18G7 contactor Schneider Electric LC1D18G7 side label


    Schneider Electric LC1D18G7 3-Pole Contactor – 18 AMP AC-3, 32 AMP AC-1 The Schneider Electric LC1D18G7 is a non-reversing 3-pole contactor from the TeSys Deca series, designed for reliable motor control and resistive load switching. The coils...

    MSRP: $136.00
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  • Metasol MC-40A-AC240 contactor Metasol MC-40A-AC240 front dimensions


    LS Metasol MC-40a-AC240 3-pole contactor rated for 15 H.P. @ 230 volt, 30 H.P. @ 460 volt 3 phase and has a 240 volt AC rated coil. This 40 AMP AC-3 contactor (60 AMP AC-1) comes with screw terminals, can be mounted on DIN rail or screwed to the panel...

    MSRP: $158.42
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  • Allen Bradley 100-C43*00 contactor Allen Bradley 100-C43*00 side label


    The Allen Bradley 100-C43*00 3-pole contactor is rated for 43 AMPS (85 AMPS AC-1), 15 H.P. at 230 volt, 30 H.P. at 460 volt and has an AC rated coil (must specify coil voltage above).  With an integrated normally open base mounted auxiliary...

    MSRP: $307.34
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  • Schneider Electric LC1D50B7 contactor Schneider Electric LC1D50B7 coil voltage location


    The Telemecanique/Schneider Electric LC1D50 3 pole, 50 AMP AC-3 (80 AMP AC-1) contactor rated at 15 HP @ 230v and 40 HP @ 460v 3 Phase with an AC rated coil. Each contactor comes with 1 NO and 1 NC base mounted contactor and optional LADN...

    MSRP: $324.00
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  • WEG CWM40 contactor WEG CWM40 side label


    The WEG CWM40 IEC contactor is rated for 15 horsepower at 230 volt and 30 horsepower at 460 volt in 3-phase applications. This 40 AMP 3 pole contactor comes with screw terminals, DIN rail or base mounting and up to four additional front mounted auxiliary...

    MSRP: $164.00
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  • GE CL00 10E contactor GE CL00 10E front dimensions

    CL00 10E

    GE CL00 10E 3 pole contactor is rated for 3 H.P. @ 230 volt, 5 H.P. @ 460 volt 3 Phase and has an AC coil (must specify coil voltage above). The 10 AMP GE contactor comes with 1 normally open (N.O.) base mounted auxiliary contact, can be mounted on...

  • GE CL00A310T contactor GE CL00A310T front dimensions


    GE Industrial CL00A310T 3 pole, 25 AMP contactor that is rated for 5 H.P. @ 460 volt 3-phase and has an AC rated coil (must specify coil voltage above). This IEC rated contactor has a normally open base mounted auxiliary contact, screw terminals and...

  • LS GMC-22-AC120 contactor


    LS GMC-22 3 pole 22 AMP contactor with a 120vAC coil Click here to see a PDF spec file on this LG GMC contactor Description- Covering four rating classes in single size.- 3-pole main contact- Finger proof design- DIN rail or screw mountable- Small...

  • Benshaw RSC-300-U120 contactor Benshaw RSC-300-U120 dimensions


    Benshaw RSC-300-U120 3 pole, 300 AMP AC-3 (350 AMP AC-1) contactor with a 100-240 volt AC rated coil and two side mounted auxiliary contacts, each with 1 normally open (N.O.) and 1 normally closed (N.C.) contact set. This IEC contactor is rated for 100 H...

    MSRP: $1,014.00
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  • Eaton XTCE018C10 contactor Eaton XTCE018C10 front dimensions


    Eaton XTCE018C10 3 pole, 18 AMP AC-3 (40 AMP AC-1) contactor rated 5 H.P. @ 230v, 10 HP @ 460v 3-Phase with 1 normally open (N.O.) base mounted auxiliary contact and an AC or DC rated coil (must choose coil voltage). Each contactor can have a front...

    MSRP: $339.61
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